Equations of motion

The aim of this topic is to explain how the six-degrees of freedom equations of motion with respect to rotating Earth are derived

The flat-Earth aircraft equations of motion are used for short-distance flight only and for observation of the aircraft responses to control inputs. Here the aircraft equations of motion for spherical, rotating Earth are derived. These equations are widely used for aircraft simulation.



then the direction cosine matrix from the ECEF to the body-fixed coordinate system is:

Simplifying by gathering terms gives:

Some of the derivatives can be rewritten as:

If the above definitions are substituted in the acceleration equation the following equation is obtained:

Assuming the Earth's rotational velocity is constant:

This equation gives the derivative of the velocity vector in the body-fixed coordinate system with respect to the EFEC coordinate system. However, since the body-fixed coordinate system rotates with respect to the EFEC coordinate system the following equation is used:

Substitution of the above equation in the previous gives:

The above equation gives the derivative of the velocity vector in the body-fixed coordinate system with respect to the body-fixed coordinate system. The flat-Earth aircraft equations of motion can be identified. However, there are additional terms for the Coriolis and Centripetal acceleration due to the Earth's rotational velocity. Since angular velocities are additive, the angular velocity of the body-fixed coordinate system relative to the ECI the coordinate system in body coordinates is given by:

Further simplifying the above equation gives:

The above are the translational aircraft equations of motion. The rotational aircraft equations of motion are given by:

The angular velocity of the NED coordinate system with respect to the ECEF coordinate system is given by:


Then the angular velocity of the body-fixed relative to the NED coordinate system is given by:

Non-linear state-space form

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